Insight, not estimate
We have made insight our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.
Incorporate Cash-Flow at granular level
Generate contractual cash-flows at instrument level
Current book of business from individual Instruments are key to accurate margin forecasts
The run-off & repricing profiles of the current book to business so the focus can be on new growth and accurate balance sheet and margin estimates
Reflect Customer Behavior
Prepayment assumptions & early redemption
Differing behavior of non-term products
The seasonality of credit line utilization rates
Changes in loan quality under various economic scenarios
Incorporate Funds Transfer Pricing
FTP transfers isolates interest rate & liquidity risks to funding center (not treasury) to centrally manage.
Immunizes the line units from market fluctuations and focus on what they can control
Simplifies planning efforts and strengthens buy-in to the plan or forecast.
Apply Key Drivers in the Forecasting Process
Connect expenses to portfolio & new business volume projections
Precise understanding of cost drivers and closely align budgets with planned activity.
Expense/Sales targets not based upon who is the best negotiator or by just adding a few dollars to last year’
Incorporate Market Interest Rates and Other Macroeconomic Variables
No business is more affected by local and macroeconomic variables than a bank and banks balance sheets & profitability
Future interest rate levels, economic activity and inflation each have significant influence over loan and deposit growth, portfolio re-pricing, bad debts, non-performing loans and bank expenses..
Differentiate Business as Usual From Strategic Initiatives
Develop an approach that can differentiate individual strategies from business as usual
Layer board-driven future bank initiatives & strategies to model multiple scenarios (e.g Climate Change)